Hadi Sampurna, M.A.

Surname: Sampurna
First Name: Hadi
Date of Birth: 19 January 1976
Academic Qualification: M.A.
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach): Teaching Certificate issued by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education 2015

Registration Number: 18100102502387

Further Qualifications



At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: 2008
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): Full-time
Teaching Language and Media, Sociolinguistics, Reading
Interdisciplin Language and Media
ary Aspects:
Activities in the Areas:
–        Further Education Master (M.A.) in Cultural and media Studies
–        Research Cultural and Media studies , Sociolinguistics
–        Consultan cy
How are The publications on media and linguistics landscape were incorporated as
personal materials for teaching language and media, and sociolinguistics mainly in
research the discussion about the language in media and multilingual society
reflected in


Work experience:


–                General


–                Activities as an Expert:

I am a lecturer in English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 2008
Publications:  Google Scholar


Member of HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana Kesastraan Indonesia/Indonesian Literature Association)
International experience through:

–                Manageme nt Activities

–                Academic Activities


–                Personal Backgrou nd/ Experienc e

Presenter in the 2nd International Seminar on Translation Studies, Applied Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, STRUKTURAL 2020, Semarang, Indonesia

