Ghanesya Hari Murti, M.Hum

Surname: Hari Murti
First Name: Ghanesya
Date of Birth: 18 Desember 1988
Academic Qualification: Master
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach):
Further Qualifications:


At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: 2022
Level of Employment (part-time or full- time): Full-time
Teaching Focus:

Interdisciplinary Aspects:

Critical Theory of Literature,
Cultural studies, Postructuralism, Critical Discourse Studies
Activities in the Areas:

–               Further Education

–               Research

–               Consultancy

Master of Literature and Cultural Studies
–      Literary and Cultural Studies
–      Critical Theory of Literature and Cultural Studies
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? –            The publications based on research findings in critical theory of literatures were incorporated as materials for critical theory class mainly in the discussion related to socio-cultural conflict within novel and cultural phenomenon.

–            The publications based on research findings in critical theory of literatures were incorporated as materials for critical theory class mainly in the discussion related to electronic news and digital media

–            The publications based on research findings in critical theory of literatures were incorporated as materials for critical theory class mainly in the discussion related to ecology and tourism perspective



Work experience:

–               General


–               Activities as an Expert:

I am a lecturer in English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 2022
1.  Invited speaker in Literature and Cultural Studies

2.  Researcher in Literature and Cultural Studies

Publications:  Google Scholar


Divergent”, Seminar Nasional Sastra, Budaya, dan Perubahan Sosial, LPPM UK Petra Surabaya 

GH Murti (2016)“Melampaui Rezim Optic: Pandangan Yang Menubuh dan Erotisme Alice Eve dalam “Starter for 10” Lakon: Jurnal Kajian Sastra dan Budaya 5 (1), 45-




IBUKOTA Dekonstruksi Wajah Kemacetan Jakarta Dalam Teks Koran “Ahok: Mobil Mewah Boleh Lewat Jalur Transjakarta, Asal…” Jurnal Magister Kajian Sastra dan Budaya 4 (4), 40-54.

Memberships: 1.      Member of Duta Bahasa Negara (Badan Bahasa Negara)

2.      Teacher of English Access Microscholarship Program (RELO-US Embassy)

International experience through:

–               Management Activities

–               Academic Activities















–               Personal Background/ Experience


1.  Presenter at The First International Conference on Social Science, Humanity, and Public Health (ICOSHIP 2020), Politeknik Negeri Jember


2.  Presenter at The 3rd Bali International Tourism Conference: Tourism & Hospitality Management Towards New Paradigm of Tourism Industry 4.0, 2019, Universitas Udayana


3.  Presenter at International Conference on Feminism: Intersecting Identities, Agency & Politics (20 Years Jurnal Perempuan), 2016, Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan


4.  Exchange Student of Malaya University in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 2015, Malaysia

1.  Member of Matatimoer Institute Jember (2016 – now)

2.  Teacher training of BIPA, Indonesian Language for Foresign Speaker organized by Language Development and Fostering Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (2021)

3.  English Access Microscholarship Program initiated by organized by IIEF, sponsored by Regional English Language Office, United State Embassy (2020)


4. Teacher Training Program organized by IIEF, sponsored by Regional English Language Office, United State Embassy (2018)

