Surname: | Salikin |
First Name: | Hairus |
Date of Birth: | 15 October 1963 |
Academic Qualification: | Dr. |
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach): | Teaching Certificate issued by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education 2009
Registration Number: 091102515310003 |
Further Qualifications: |
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: | 1989 |
Level of Employment (part-time or full- time): | Full-time |
Teaching Focus:
Interdisciplinary Aspects: |
Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Linguistic Research Methodology, |
Language and Media, Western Culture and Society, Intercultural Communication | |
Activities in the Areas:
– Further Education – Research
– Consultancy |
Doctor in English Language | |
– Language and Culture, Language and Society. | |
– The Language Acquistion, Language in Use, Language and Media, Applied Linguistics | |
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? | – The publications are based on the research findings in relation to language in use in real life. This is in line with the teaching of Sociolinguistics.
– The publications based on research finding in language acquisition to support the teaching of Psycholinguistics – The Publication related to the language and media are reflected the practise of teaching Language and Media |
Work experience: |
– General
– Activities as an Expert: |
I am a lecturer in English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 1989 and a lecturer in Master on Linguistics Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 2014 |
1. Examiner in master thesis and doctoral dissertation exam in Cultural and Media Studies Department, art Universitas Negeri Makas 2. Speaker in some international seminars. 3. Researcher in language and society. |
Publications: | Google Scholar SINTA |
Salikin, Hairus and MutaallimTraditional Madurese Engagement Amids the Social Change of the Kangean Society RETORIKA:JurnalIlmuBahasa Vol. 7, No. 1 April 2021,
Salikin, Hairus, Indah W, Tri Agung. Persuasive Dawah Strategies for Inmates on State Detention Centers in East Java Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 29 No.2, December 2021, pp. 221-247 |
Memberships: | 1. Member of HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana Kesastraan Indonesia/Indonesian Literature Association)
2. A memebr of ALTI (Asosiasi Linguistik Terapan Indonesia) |
International experience through:
– Management Activities – Academic Activities
– Personal Background/ Experience |
Head of Language Center
1. Presenter in Asia TEFL, 12th International Conference and 23rd Melta International Conference in 2017 2. Presenter in International Conference in RELC Singapore 2015 3. Presenter in Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Budaya in Yogyakarta 2017 4. Presenter in TEFL International Conrefence in Mataram 2019 |
Other: |