Surname: | Khazanah |
First Name: | Dewianti |
Date of Birth: | 03 November 1985 |
Academic Qualification: | Master of Humaniora |
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach): | Teaching Certificate issued by The Ministry of Reasearch, Technology, and Higher Education 2015
Registration Number: 15100102501008 |
Further Qualifications: | – |
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: | 2009 |
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): | Full time |
Teaching Focus:
Interdisciplinary Aspects: |
Speaking skill, Sociolinguistics, Intercultural Communication |
Pragmatics | |
Activities in the Areas:
– Further Education – Research – Consultancy |
Magister in Descriptive Linguistic Study | |
Sociolinguistic study | |
Linguistic landscape study, language attitude studies | |
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? | The publications on linguistic landscape were incorporated as material for teaching Sociolinguistic mainly in the discussion about multilingual society. |
Work experience:
– General
– Activities as an Expert: |
I am a lecturer in English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 2009. | |
Publications: | Google Scholar SINTA |
Putri, C., Salikin, H., & Khazanah, D. (2020). She’s Really Kind and Hella Weird! ─ The Use of Intensifiers among Teens: A Sociolinguistic Analysis. K@Ta, 22(1), 36–45. Kusumaningputri, R., Khazanah, D., & Setiarini, R. (2017). Framework for Investing Indonesian Efl Listening Materials With Character Education. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 4(2), 184–199. Khazanah, d. (2012). Kedudukan bahasa Jawa ragam krama pada kalangan generasi muda: Studi kasus di desa Randegan kecamatan Dawarblandong, Mojokerto dan di dusun Tutul kecamatan Ambulu, Jember. Pengembangan Pendidikan, 9(2), 457–466. |
Memberships: | Perkumpulan Peneliti dan Penulis Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (PERIISAI) or Indonesian Association of Social Science Writers and Researchers |
International experience through:
– Management Activities – Academic Activities
– Personal Background/ Experience |
1. Presenter in The twelfth International Conference on Applied Linguistics organized by the Language Cemnter of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2019
2. Presenter in the 62nd TEFLIN International Conference hosted by university of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya 2016 |
Other: | Appointed as a member of adjudicators board of University of Jember selection for National University Debating Competition 2017-2018 |