[:en]Undergraduate in Literature, Language, and Culture
Faculty of Humanities, Jember University
Jl.Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Our department offers expertise in literature, language and culture emphasizing the relation of text and context which is locally-internationally oriented with ecological perspective. We explore relations of literature, language and culture as well as language and mind. We also concern issues of language in social interaction and intercultural communication as well as analysis of language structure.
Accreditation (pre-requisit for downloading: link to Tracer study Form)
Modes of Courses
Full Time Study:
Compulsary Courses (84 credit)
Final Project (Compulsary) (6 credit)
Elective Courses (55 credit)
Classroom Based Learning
Blended Learning
MBKM (Independent Learning and Independent Campus) Programme
Part Time Study: Not available
Distance Learning: Not available
Careers and Future Studies (Graduate profiles)
Regarding the MBKM Programme, our graduates enter a wide range of careers in the following fields:
Future Studies
Eligible candidates may proceed to apply for admission to a rich postgraduate program in the humanities and social sciences, comprising advanced learning and professional courses.
Research Groups
Research habitude for advocating contextual researches of English literature, language and culture is developed through our study program research groups:
Teaching Staff
Associate Professor Dr. Sukarno, M.Litt. of (Critical) Discourse Analysis
Dr. (Gajah Mada University), M.Litt. (Sydney University), BA/Drs. (Jember University)
Teaching Areas: (Critical) Discourse Analysis ( ), Translation: English to Indonesian ( ), Translation Indonesian to English ( ), Language and Media ( ), English Syntax/SFL ( )
Research Supervision: He welcomes to proposals under/post-graduate students wishing to conduct research in areas including (Critical) Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Translation, Language and Media, Language used in Social life, Language and Culture.
Research interest: (Critical) Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Translation, Language and Culture
Research Publications:
Sukarno, (2022). Revealing the meanings on William Wordsworth’s poem Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known, International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, Vol 5(3), 114-126.
Sukarno, and Salikin, S. (2022). The generic structure potential of Friday sermons in Jember,
Indonesia. International Journal of Linguistics and Translation Studies. Vol 3 (1), 56-73.
Sukarno, Nurdianto, A., and Setiari, D.A. (2021). Strategi dan teknik persuasi perekrutan calon anggota baru (Studi kasus kebahasaan pada bisnis multi level marketing bodong). Kembara: Jurnal keilmuan Bahasa, Vol 7 (2), 184-201.
Sukarno,Wisasongko, and Basuki. B. (2020). Revealing the linguisitc features used in mantra pengasihan (The spell of affection) in Banyuwangi. Jurnal Humanus, Vol 19 (2), 230-243.
Sukarno, Adilia, R., and Setiarini, R.. (2020). Translation procedures and ideologies of two different English translation versions of surah al-Fatihah: a contrastive analysis. Litera: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya. Vol 19 (1), 94-108.
Sukarno, and Amurwani, P. (2019). Konstruksi mendukung dan mengkritisi realitas politik Prabowo Subianto menjadi menteri pertahanan dan kemanan oleh empat media online. Adabiyyat: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra. Vol 3 (2), 140-164.
Sukarno, (2018). Politeness strategies, linguistic markers and social contexts in delivering requests in Javanes. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol 7 (3): 659-667.
Sukarno, (2018). The Analysis of Grammatical Errors of First Year Students’Essays. A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature. Vol 16 (1), 1 – 21.
Sukarno, (2015). Dominasi dan ketidaksetaraan hubungan kreditor-debitor pada surat perjanjian pembiayaan kendaraan. Litera: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya,Vol. 14 (2), 250 -261.
Sukarno, (2014). Topic development and thematic patterns for the indonesian text of Friday sermons. Humaniora, Vol. 26 (3), 315 – 327.
Sukarno, (2014). Degradasi moral pada puisi ‘Dewa Telah Mati’ (Analisis Wacana Kritis). Adabiyyat, Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol 13 (1), 315 – 327.
Sukarno, (2010). The Reflection of the Javanese cultural concepts in the politeness of Javanese, K@ta, Vol. 12 (1), 59 -71.
Academic Calendar
Nasional Students
International Students
Arrangement for the Recognition of Credit Mobility and Prior Learning (formal, informal and non-formal)
If you’ve already completed university-level or equivalent subjects, you may be able to apply for credit for previous study
ECTS credit allocation policy (Institutional credit framework)
Modular Structure of the Study Programme
Projected Study Time | 7 semesters |
Number of Credit Points (CP) | 145 credits (227,36 ECTS) |
Workload of CP | 2,8 hours |
Number of Modules/Courses | 70 courses |
Time required for processing the final thesis and awarded CP | 1 semester |
Number of contact hours |
The total number of CP that the students should accomplish is 145 credits. They are assigned into 70 courses that are clustered into compulsory (90 CP = 43 courses = 141.12 ECTS) and elective (55 CP = 27 courses = 86.24 ECTS) courses. All courses are distributed to 7 semesters. Each CP is allocated 2.8 hours or (3,1 ECTS), therefore when it is compared to ECTS, the number of total CP is 227.36.
Arrangements for Academic Guidance:
Academic guidance for students is available for those writing their final project (theses) and academic assignment/papers.
Credit for previous study Credit Transfer
If you’ve already completed university-level or equivalent subjects, you may be able to apply for
Credit for previous study
Student affair office: students may get any information about international affairs on our international office located within the university, on Gedung Soedjarwo Lt.2 LP3M.
Accommodation/Housing: New students have facilities to stay in university dormitory for about 1 year and may extend their stay with permission. Students may also stay in some boarding houses, apartments, and/or rented houses surrounding the university.
Meals: Some cafeterias are provided in each faculty for students who are willing to have some meals. Various Indonesian meals are offered with affordable prices. Students may also use online application to order meals that are not provided in cafeterias nearby.
Cost of Living: Jember serves affordable cost of living compared to metropolitan cities (Jakarta and Surabaya). Students may spend about 2 – 3 million each month, excluding their payment for boarding house/apartment/rented house.
Financial Support for Students = …Scholarship????
Medical Facilities: UMC (Unej Medical Center) is the health service unit provided for students and university staff who need some basic medical treatments and it is available for 24 hours. A doctor on duty is always ready for anyone who visits UMC. Additionally, patients may also consult their health problems with nutritionists, nurses, pharmacists, health analysts, and psychiatrists. All services are for free.
Insurance = …..???
Facilities for Students with Disabilities and Special Needs: Some facilities are specifically designed for students with disabilities and special needs.
Learning Facilities: Students are provided some learning facilities including language center, language laboratories, library, and student activity center.
International mobility possibilities: ….IISMA (international students exchange), students’ international competition i.e wudc, joved, ived,
Practical Information for incoming mobile students: …
Language Courses: University Language Center offers Indonesian Course and foreign languages courses, either for academic or specific purposes. International students are welcome.
Work Placement Possibilities: …
Sport and Leisure Facilities: Some facilities for students’ sport activities and leisure facilities are provided by university that are centered for all university students. ….
Students Associations: Each student is automatically being member of its department association (EDSA). Further, students are also welcome to join some student associations based on their interests, covering hobbies and academic preferences.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Boards
Programs and Activities