[:en]Management Review Meeting[:]


The Quality Assurance Board (BPM) of Faculty Humanities conducts management review meetings annually. Quality assurance is discussed at a meeting that is attended by all university authorities as well as representatives from every departments.

The meeting is required once quality policies have been developed to ensure the quality guidelines, targets, application of the policies, and audit evaluation.


A management review meeting is convened to assess the quality of the management system implemented at Faculty of Humanities in order to maintain the suitability, sufficiency, and effectiveness of quality management.
The goal of the review is to determine whether there are any areas for improvement or whether the quality management system needs to be modified. The management review item on the agenda discusses problems with a high likelihood of recurrence and calls for an expedient resolution.

The results of the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) coversĀ  theĀ  user input, performance and achieving qualified targets that may have an impact are some of the topics covered in RTM
