[:en]Samudji, M.A, Ph.D[:]


Surname: Samudji
First Name: Samudji
Date of Birth: 16 August 1948
Academic Qualification: Emeritus Prof.
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach): Teaching Certificate Number: 08102502036 issued by The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Higher Education, signed by Fasli Jalal (Employee ID Number: 131124234)
Further Qualifications: M.A. and Dr (PhD) Certificates granted by School of English and Linguistics (1988) and Dept of Linguistics Macquarie University (2001) successively.


At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: Accredited and legalized by The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Higher Education, the Director of Academic and Student Development, Jakarta, Signed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Suprodjo Pusposutardjo (Employee ID Number: 130257144)
Level of Employment (part- time or full-time): Full-time
Teaching Focus:



Interdisciplinary Aspects:

Systemic Functional Linguistics, Stylistics, Aesthetics, Discourse Analysis, Introduction to Linguistics, History of the English Language,
Genre, Context of Culture, Context of Situation
Activities in the Areas:
–        Further Education Doctor (Ph.D), Macquarie University, Australia, in Systemic Functional Stylistics.
–        Research –           Comparative SFL

–           SFL Stylistics

–           SFL Discourse Analysis

–        Consultancy – Researches dealing with Comparative SFL, SFL Stylistics, SFL Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis.
How are personal –      All    research    results    (personal    or    resulted    from
research activities undergrade or posgrade students’ thesis) are directed
reflected in as closely as possible to the Course Qualification
teaching activities? Objectives so that linearity of the research results and


the material of the courses can be maintained. .


Work experience:

–                General





–                Activities as an Expert:

Teaching General Linguistics and English Literature (1976-1986) and from 1988 up to now Teaching Systemic Functional Linguistics, Stylistics, Aesthetics, Discourse Analysis, Introduction to Linguistics, History of the English Language,
Consultant and Examiner of Undergrade and Postgrade Thesis on Comparative Systemic Functional Linguistics, Stylistics, Aesthetics, Discourse Analysis, Introduction to Linguistics, History of the English Language,
Publications and Unpublished Works: Samudji. Death in Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar. (unpublished B.A. Thesis. 1975)

Samudji. Epicureanism in Tennyson’s The Vision of Sin.

(unpublished B.A. Thesis. 1975)

Samudji. “Discourse Structure in Short Story and Diary: A Brief Analysis on Salina’s The Protector and the Initial Speciment of Malinowsky’s Diary”, A Long Essay for the Requirement of the M.A. Program, Macquarie University, Australia, 1987. Student Advicer: Dr. Chitra Fernando.

Samudji. “Universal Characteristic of Passive and Some of Their Major Typological Variation”: A3 Essay, Australian National University, Australia: 1986.

Samudji. “Some Regional Accents of Indonesian: A Brief Case Study”, An Essay on Sociolinguistics, Macquarie University, Australia: 1987.

Samudji.      “What is Typology?, Does the Understanding of it exist in Explaining the Nature of Translation?”, An Essay on Translation, Macquarie University, Australia: 1987

Samudji. “Coherence in Narrative and Expository Essays”, An Essay on Discourse Analysis, Macquarie University, Australia: 1987.

Samudji. “A Book Review on Susan Bassnett & Mc.Guire’s (1980) Translation Studies”, Macquarie University, Australia: 1987.

Samudji. “An Article Review on N. Denison (1971) ‘Some Observations on Language Variety and Plurilingualism’”, in Pride, JB, and Janet Holmes (eds.: 1974) Sociolinguistics, Macquarie University, Australia: 1987.


AMBASSADORS: A Systemic-Functional Analysis on the ‘Germs’, the ‘Scenario’, and six Episodes of Henri James’s The Ambassadors, School of English and Linguistics     –     Macquarie     University,     2001,


Unpublished Dissertation. Promotor: (Assoc)Prof. Dr. David Grimston Butt.Samudji. “Kreasi Artistik sebagai Ungkapan Metaforis dalam Novel Henry James The Ambassadors”, Penelitian Dana Mandiri, Fakultas Sastra Unej, (Pebruari – Mei  2000).

Samudji. “Two Sets of Concepts   suitable   for Examining James’s Style in The Ambassadors: A Proposed Theoretical Arguments”, dimuat dalam Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora Fakultas Sastra UNEJ Vol. 2 No.1, Januari Tahun 2001 ISSN 1411-4062

Samudji. “The Critical Writing on James’s The Ambassadors: A Brief Overview”, dimuat dalam Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora Fakultas Sastra UNEJ Vol. II No. 2, Juli 2001 ISSN 1411-4062.

Samudji. “Language, Culture,   and   Identity:   Their Better Understanding for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language”, makalah seminar internasional dibacakan dalam Konferensi Internasional TEFLIN pada tanggal 29-31 Oktober 2002 di Univ. Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.

Samudji. “James’s ‘Artistic Creativity’, Formalist Structuralist Theory of Creativity, and Systemic Functional Accounts of Transitivity: Threads of Connectedness”, dimuat dalam Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Bahasa Fakultas Sastra Unej., Vol. 2/ No. 1/ Januari

– Juni 2002, ISSN 1412 – 2235.

Samudji.. “Style and Interpretation in Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar”, makalah seminar internasional dibacakan dalam Konferensi Internasional “Language Studies: Language, Leterature, and World Peace pada tanggal 5-6 Mei 2003 di Univ. Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta.


Possible Theoretical Development”. Semiotika 11 (2)

Juli – Desember 2011, halaman 190 – 200,

Samudji. What Should a Teacher of EFL Possess? Semiotika 11 (2) Juli – Desember 2011, halaman 34 – 41, dan SKKD No. 095/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2013.

Samudji.        “HENRY       JAMES’       STYLE       in       THE

AMBASSADORS”. Semiotika Edisi 13 (2) Januari-

Juni 2012.

Samudji. The Hallidayan Stylistics and Creative Writing:Theoretical and Critical Study at the Level of Concepts. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention an Open Access Publication ISSN: 2349-2031.

Pramono, Susilo Tri; Samudji; Diana, Meilia A Systemic Functional Analysis on the Generic Structure in The


King’s Speech Movie Script. (UNEJ, 2013) The King’s Speech : directed by Tom Hooper and written by David Seidler is a film which features the true story of a king of the British Empire who came to power in 1895, King George VI.
Memberships: 1.      Member of HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana Kesastraan Indonesia/Indonesian Literature Association)

2.    Member of MLI (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia = Indonesian Linguistic Society)

International experience through:

–                Management Activities

–                Academic Activities









–                Personal Background/ Experience

Presenter of “Language, Culture, and Identity: Their Better Understanding for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language”, inTEFLIN International Conference onl 29-31 Oktober 2002. The Catholic Univ. Widya Mandala Surabaya.

Presenter of “Style and Interpretation in Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar”, in International Conference on “Language Studies: Language, Leterature, and World Peace on 5-6 Mei 2003. University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta.

Consultant and Examiner of Undergrade and Postgrade Thesis on Comparative Systemic Functional Linguistics, Stylistics, Aesthetics, Discourse Analysis, Introduction to Linguistics, History of the English Language,


Other: N.A.
