Syamsul Anam, M.A.

Surname: Anam
First Name: Syamsul
Date of Birth: 18/09/1959
Academic Qualification: Master
Venia Legendi

(qualification to teach):

Teaching Certificate issued by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education 2010

Registration Number: 101102504803

Further Qualifications:
At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: 1988- up to now 2022
Level of Employment (part-time or full-time): Full-time
Teaching Focus: Apllied Linguistics (Semantics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics)
Interdisciplinary Aspects: (Semantics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics)
Activities in the Areas:
–        Further Education Masters degree in Apllied Linguistics
–        Research –      Language Choice Among Indonesian Students Living in Australia. (Master’s Thesis)
–        Consultancy  As supervisor of some students who are writing thesis in Apllied Linguistics. (Semantics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics)


How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? –      The Effectiveness of  Using TOEFL test as standardized Testing Instrument.

–      Contrastive Analysis of Grammatical and Lexical Aspects of  English Department Students’ writing ( Research report)

–      Workshop at RELC  Singapore  Personal websites As Teaching Intrument in The Faculty of Letters, Jember University. (Paper presented on regional workshop in Singapore)

–      E-learning as a means to spreaad out and increase the quality of Higher Education quallity in Indonesia

–      The Use  of  E-learning to Develop E-learning Materials.

–      Commuication Strategy Used by Buyers and Sellers in Some Taditional Markets in Jember  ( Unpublished Research Report)


  The Use of  Animation as Model of Learning TOEFL to Increase the Test takers’ Score  (Unpublished Research report)


English Proficiency Test (EPT) Computer Based Software English Language Testing.


– BUDAYA KOPI; Pengembangan Perkampungan Etnik Using dan Potensi Kuliner Berbasis Lokalitas. (Unpublished Research report.)


– Pemahaman Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jember Terhadap Pemakaian Register Medis Pada Kemasan Obat-obatan Yang dijual Bebas.




Work experience:
–        General Lecturer in Faculty of Humanities, Jember University.
–        Activities as an Expert: Teaching at  a Private University on Liguistics field.(UPM) Probolinggo.


Thesis writing consultant at private university (UPM) Probollinggo.

Publications:  SINTA
International experience through:
–        Management Activities
–        Academic Activities
–        Personal Background/ Experience