Wisasongko, M.A.

Surname: Wisasongko
First Name:
Date of Birth: 14 April 1962
Academic Qualification: Masters
Venia Legendi (qualification to teach): Teaching Certificate issued by The Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education on 9 September 2009 Registration Number: 091102515310113
Further Qualifications:


At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since: 1988
Level of Employment (part-time or full- time): Full-time
Teaching Focus:



Interdisciplinary Aspects:

Academic Writing, Speaking, Listening, Semantics and Pragmatics, Aesthetics and Arts, English for Civil Engineering, English for Computer Sciences.
Activities in the Areas:

–               Further Education


–               Research

–               Consultancy

Masters in TESOL (Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages)
–      Languages and cultures
–      Linguistics, languages, cultures, writing and other language skills
How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities? –            The publications based on research findings in linguistics and cultures are applied in the teachings of the language and cultures.

–            The results of field observations function as data to produce essay writing class.

–            In the class of Semantics and Pragmatics, students obtain the data from direct observation in the society and the data are used in the project of Semantics and Pragmatics.


Work experience:




–               General



–               Activities as an Expert:

–               Teaching staff of Jember University Language Center 1990 – 2005

–               Lecturer in English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University since 1998 – present

I am a lecturer in English Department Faculty of Humanities University of Jember since 1998 and also teach at Jember University Language Center since 1990 – 2005.
1.  Member of KeRis (Research group) of Center of Language and Culture (CLC).

2.  Member of the HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana Kesusasteraan Indonesia/Association of Literature Scolars of Indonesia)

3.  Examiner of thesis exam in of linguistics and cultural studies in English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University.

4.  Thesis consultant in English language skills.

5.  Researcher and writer.

Publications:  Google Scholar


Desember 2012.

Investigating Paragraph Structure    of   Students’ English

Essay Writing. Semiotika 13 (1) Januari-Juni 2012



Task-based     Learning     in     Academic     Writing     Context.

Semiotika, 12 (2) Juli-Desember 2011 (214-220).


The Origin of Naming. Semiotika 10 (1), pp 267-275

Januari-Juni 2009.


Phonaesthetics: Understanding the Meanings of Words from the Sound Similarity of The Language. Semiotika 9 (2), pp 220-227 Juli-Desember 2008.


Analysis of a Casual Conversation, a Discourse Approach. Semiotika, Jurnal Ilmu Sastra dan Linguistik. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 95-107, Januari-Juni 2003.


Error Analysis of Indonesian Students’ Essay of English Department. Semiotika, Jurnal Ilmu Sastra dan Linguistik. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 148-165, Juli-Desember



Australia: From Racial Conflicts to Multiculturalism.

Humaniora, Jurnal Ilmu Budaya dan Sastra. Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 45 – 59, Juli-Desember 2000.


Analysis on General Errors of English Department Students’ Writing. 1998. Jember University: Unpublished Research.


Techniques of Writing English Essay. Faculty of Social and Political Studies. Jember University: 1998.


Analysis of Academic Writing of Indonesian Students Who Studied in Australia. 1998. Jember University: Unpublished Research.


How Important is Discourse Structure for Overseas Students? Patricia Henry and Wisasongko (Co- Presentation), First National Conference on Tertiary Literacy: Research and Practice, 1996: Victoria, Australia.


An Investigation of Topical Structure Development of Indonesian Students’ Academic Writing. 1995. Deakin University: Unpublished Masters Thesis.



Introducing Discourse Analysis by David Nunan (Book Review by Wisasongko). Victoria Association of TESOL and Multicultural Education, Inc. (VATME) Newsletter No. 54 November – December 1994 page 24.


Learning About Languages by Elaine Davis Lubiner (Book Review by Wisasongko). Victoria Association of TESOL and Multicultural Education, Inc. (VATME) Newsletter No. 54 November – December 1994 page 25.


A Look at Japanese Attitudes Towards Nature (A Suzuka Case Study). The 20th International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Forum, Group Research Report. 1992. Suzuka, Mie Prefecture, Japan.


Mass Communication and Mass Media in Indonesia. 1992. IATSS Forum Reviews and Reports No. 20 pp 70-73. Suzuka, Mie Prefecture, Japan.


The Influence of the Drivers’ Income to the Driving Attitudes.

A Paper Presented at IATSS Forum Committee, Jakarta: 1992.


Improving Reading Comprehension Skills of English Department Students of Semester I. 1991. Jember University: Unpublished Research.


The Influence of Lonely Life to the Main Character Robinson Crusoe in the Novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. 1990. Jember University: Unpublished Research.


Coriolanus’ Contradictory Attitudes Leading to a Downfall in the Caius Marcius Coriolanus’ Tragic Play of William Shakespeare. Jember University, 1986, Unpublished Researched.

Memberships: 1.      Member of KeRis Prodi of English Department

2.      Member of HISKI (Himpunan Sarjana Kesastraan Indonesia/Indonesian Literature Association)

3.      Member of International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences Forum (IATSS Forum) Japan

International experience through:


–        Management Activities
–               Academic Activities

–               Personal Background/ Experience

1. Participant oft he 20th International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences Forum Japan (1992)

