[:en]The Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Jember (FIB UNEJ) held a public lecture with the topic “Contemporary Syntactic Theories & Lexical-Functional Grammar: an Overview of Current Trends in Typological Context” on Tuesday, 6 September 2022. Present as a speaker Prof. I. Wayan Arka, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. linguistics expert from Australian National University (ANU) QS 100 (Word Class University) with moderator Dr. Dina Dyah Kusumayanti, M.A. The...Read More
[:en]English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Jember held a public lecture event on Saturday and Sunday, 12 and 13 November 2022 at Sultan Takdir Alisjahbana Hall, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UNEJ. The study program invited overseas lecturers from Malaysia and Slovenia in the realisation of activity 2 of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM). The public lecture “Introduction to Literature & Teens and Children’s Literature” was...Read More
[:en]The Dean of the Faculty of Humnaities (FIB) of Universitas Jember (UNEJ) Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Litt participated in the Meeting of Deans of the Faculty of Humnaities (FIB) throughout Indonesia. The purpose of this meeting is to gather positive energy from all Deans in advancing the institutions. A sense of optimism was also expressed by Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Litt to, according to him, this meeting will also help an insight...Read More
[:en] The Quality Assurance Board (BPM) of Faculty Humanities conducts management review meetings annually. Quality assurance is discussed at a meeting that is attended by all university authorities as well as representatives from every departments. The meeting is required once quality policies have been developed to ensure the quality guidelines, targets, application of the policies, and audit evaluation. . A management review meeting is convened to assess the quality of...Read More
[:en]Congratulations to 4 lecturers of English Literature Study Programme FIB who have been appointed as HPI Certified Translators in language pairs: English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English (Drs. Wisasongko, M.A.) Indonesian-English (Indah Wahyuningsih, S., M.A.) English-Indonesian (Dra. Supiastutik, M.Pd.) and English-Indonesian (Reni Kusumaning Putri, S.S., M.Pd.) The handing over of certificates to the translators who graduated from HPI’s TSN (National Certification Test) was organised The inauguration of the TSN graduates was preceded by...Read More