English Discussion Program is one of the second division’s (Scientific Knowledge and Academic Division) programs which held at least once a month. This program is addressed for all English Department Students who have a great passion to share knowledge through English. In every meeting, there will be a main topic to be discussed. The core of the topic should be about student’s problems of academic skill or the trending topic in faculty and university.


As one of the program of the fourth division (Talent and Interest Division), the program is held twice a month. Unlike the other programs of EDSA (English Department Students’ Association), movie screening is considered as an enjoy one. In this program, there will be an interest and educated English movie to be watched together. And the end of the movie, we are going to discuss and appreciate together. The purpose of this program is to help students of English Department to be critical persons through the movie.



This is the program for those who eager to learn how to write a well academic article or any other literary works such prompt, narrative and so on. This is one of the four programs of Talent and Interest Division. At the end of this program, we are going to get tips and tricks how to arrange every sentence or paragraph of writing. The speakers of every meeting are the expert on writing.



It is one of EDSA’s weekly programs about practicing writing thesis and thesis seminar for senior students who are going to write thesis. This program held once a month by inviting speakers and participants. Every speaker has their topic to discuss.



If you like doing debate, this program will be an exact mediator for you. Debate club held once a month with different topics in every meeting. Trained by the lecturer (s), the participants will be divided into groups, then express their argument.

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