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E-CAMP (English Camp) This event is conducted by 1st Division, which held every year. E-Camp is made for freshmen as annual inauguration and purposely to give freshmen knowledge about college-life and how English Department students should be. At this event, the committees also give workshops which given by lectures. There are also outdoor games that encourage the freshmen to use their English abilities in daily life and to develop their...
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ENGLISH DISCUSSION PROGRAM English Discussion Program is one of the second division’s (Scientific Knowledge and Academic Division) programs which held at least once a month. This program is addressed for all English Department Students who have a great passion to share knowledge through English. In every meeting, there will be a main topic to be discussed. The core of the topic should be about student’s problems of academic skill or...
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EDSA is an English organization which covers the whole students of English Department Faculty of Letters.   VISION AND MISSION ·         VISION To make EDSA as an organization that is trusted by the department, the faculty and the university in the development of academic and organization particularly in the field of English language. As a place to raise the prosperity of every students from English Department in academic. ·         MISSION...
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 Bahasa puisi tidak sama dengan penggunaan bahasa biasa, begitu Riffaterre membuka bukunya Semiotics of Poetry, dan begitu pula saya ingin mengawali ide saya setelah membaca draf Antologi puisi penulis-penulis muda difakultas Sastra Universitas Jember ini. Makna dari puisi ada bukan pada apa yang dinyakan, tetapi sesuatu yang ada di balik yang terkatakan. Maka itu puisi sering kali sulit dipahami pembacanya dalam sekali baca. Ketidaklangsungan semantik dengan displacing, distorting, dan creating yang didalilkan Riffaterre tentang...
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