

Podcast Ngobrol Santai: Mengeksplorasi Kepemimpinan Efektif bersama Para Ahli Dalam episode terbaru dari podcast Ngobrol Santai yg ini dilaksanakan di studio ponpes Al Ghofilin milik Gus Jaddin (cucu KH Siddiq, Talangsari).Tuan rumah Muhammad Faris Fauzi mendalami esensi kepemimpinan efektif bersama tamu terkemuka, Madam Salina dari Malaysia dan Bu Indah Wahyuningsih dari Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Sastra...
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[:en]Kuliah Umum “Studiom Generale on Introduction to Literature & Teens and Children’s Literature” [:]
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[:en] Writer Writers who master the theory and concepts of creative writing, is able to analyze and write literary, language, and cultural phenomena critically and professionally and who has an eco-critical sensitivity.   Journalist Professional journalists who master critical theories, journalistic theory, language theory and media on the basis of literature, language, and culture phenomena.[:]
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[:en]Translators and interpreters who master the theory of translation, are able to apply theory of translation based on literary, language, and cultural perceptivity as well as being professional.[:]
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[:en]Researchers in English literature who are mastering research methods, having a keenness to literature, language, and cultural phenomena, and being a professional independent learner[:]
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Sebagai bagian dari sivitas akademika, warga Fakultas Sastra Universitas jember, khususnya mahasiswa dan dosen Program Studi Sastra Inggris memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mendukung upaya diseminasi ilmu pengetahuan demi meningkatkan keaksaraan dan kesadaran masyarakat secara umum akan ilmu pengetahuan dan kesadaran. Salah satu cara yang telah lama dilakukan dalam tradisi berilmu dan pengamalan keilmuan adalah dengan...
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E-CAMP (English Camp) This event is conducted by 1st Division, which held every year. E-Camp is made for freshmen as annual inauguration and purposely to give freshmen knowledge about college-life and how English Department students should be. At this event, the committees also give workshops which given by lectures. There are also outdoor games that...
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ENGLISH DISCUSSION PROGRAM English Discussion Program is one of the second division’s (Scientific Knowledge and Academic Division) programs which held at least once a month. This program is addressed for all English Department Students who have a great passion to share knowledge through English. In every meeting, there will be a main topic to be...
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